Monday, July 20, 2015

"Berrboel brazenness!"

(435.12-437.16)  Shaun's sermon continues in today's pages (and tomorrow's).  As I noted yesterday, this passage is largely straightforward (and entertaining!), so I don't have any real summary or analysis to add at this point.  With that in mind, I'll just memorialize today's reading with a couple of my favorite bits from Shaun's monologue:
  • "Put off the old man at the very font and get right on with the nutty sparker round the back."  (Perverting, as McHugh notes, the words of the Anglican baptism rite and tossing a little more dirt on HCE's grave.)
  • "Stick wicks in your earshells when you hear the prompter's voice."  (Urging the girls to resist temptation, but also urging them to succumb to temptation, as McHugh notes that "wick" is a slang term for penis.)
  • "Keep airly hores and the worm is yores."
  • "While there's men-a'war on the say there'll be loves-o'women on the do."
  • "When parties get tight for each other they lose all respect together."
  • "You'll pay for each bally sorraday night every billing sumday morning."  (Pertinent wisdom for me, as I've just had an action-packed weekend.)
  •  "Mades of ashens when you flirt spoil the lad but spare his shirt!"

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