(601.30-603.33) Having sung their song, the 29 girls now call for Kevin/Shaun to come forth: "Ascend out of your bed, cavern of a trunk, and shrine!" Kate is in the kitchen cooking breakfast, and it is time for Kevin to found his own country, "Newer Aland" (a new New Z-land). "Be smark," the girls instruct Kevin, who has "the curling, perfect-portioned, flowerfleckled, shapley highhued, delicate features swaying."
Now that we know that Kevin is the one to come, the narrator asks a pertinent question on our behalf: "What does Coemghen?" Kevin/Coemghen has been viewed as an upright man, a "woodtoogooder," and the narrator wonders, "Is his moraltack still his best of weapons?" He is a young version of HCE, so it is natural that "[h]is face is the face of a son."
These brief descriptions of Kevin are cut off somewhat abruptly by the arrival of the four old men's ass -- here the "ass of the O'Dwyer of Greyglens" -- which gives information to "an indepondant reporter, 'Mike' Portlund" of "the Durban Gazette." Portlund records what the ass says and sets it forth here in the form of brief headlines that detail the events surrounding HCE's wake. "Deemsday," the reporter writes. "Bosse of Upper and Lower Byggotstrade, Ciwareke, may he live for river! The Games funeral at Valleytemple." Pub History is uncovered at the wake, which devolves into outrage.
Amid the mob at the funeral is Kevin, "Mr Hurr Hansen," who is most concerned at the moment with the "merryfoule of maidens happynghome from the dance." The ladies seem taken with "Shoon the Puzt" (Shaun the Post, or Kevin) and call to him, saying, "Bring us this days our maily bag!" Others seem to offer him a warning, though, and he is given the tragic example of Parnell, whose extramarital affair helped in part to cause his downfall. Parnell's fall is also a form of HCE's fall. "Haves you the time," Kevin is asked, recalling the troubling question the Cad asked HCE. "Heard you the crime, senny boy?" Kevin must beware the "[h]yacinssies with heliotrollops," who are "[n]ot once fullvixen freakings and but dubbledecoys."
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